Everything you need to know about olive oil | Wild Groves
You should be looking for the COOC Seal on every bottle of CA EVOO:
What is the "Seal" and who is the "COOC?"
The COOC (California Olive Oil Council) Seal is your way to ensure that you are buying and consuming 100% fresh, authentic, Extra Virgin Olive Oil from California – the highest grade of olive oil, with the most polyphenols (antioxidants) and therefore the healthiest.
"The COOC (California Olive Oil Council) is a trade association with the mission of encouraging the consumption of certified California extra virgin olive oil through education, outreach and communications."
"The COOC is committed to upholding the highest standards within the olive oil industry through its Seal Certification Program."
The COOC provides the only seal certification program in California for extra virgin olive oil and has some of the strictest, if not the strictest requirements in the world, ensuring customers that they are receiving 100% authentic, premium quality, California extra virgin olive oil. Olive oils are both tested in a lab and tasted by professionals to ensure they meet "Extra Virgin" standards, as set by the COOC (see standards).
In 1998 the seal certification program was established. It’s the only organization in California that certifies extra virgin olive oils (EVOO) as 100% authentic, representing over 90% of production in California. The seal program is a process that must happen with each new harvest. This year over 450 EVOO’s went through the seal process! This was up over last year as the industry is growing drastically with more farmers supporting the “seal program” to ensure their customers with “certified” evoo (due to confusion & fraud in the marketplace regarding authentic EVOO), as well as more olive oil companies launching new businesses.
Last year I interviewed Patty, the Executive Director of the California Olive Oil Council (COOC) at their headquarters in Berkeley, CA.
COOC Quick Facts
- The COOC has over 450 members including growers and producers, service providers, retailers and other supporters of the California olive oil industry.
- The greatest number of members is made up of growers and producers.
- The COOC represents over 90% of all olive oil production in California.
- The COOC Taste Panel, founded in 1998, certifies over 400 olive oils every year, and that number continues to grow
Industry Facts
- As of January 2017, there are over 38,000 acres planted in California for the production of extra virgin olive oil.
- It is estimated that 3,500 new acres will be planted each year in California through 2020.
- There are over 450 growers/producers of olive oil in California
- Over 75 olive varieties are grown in California for olive oil production, there are over 300 varieties world wide, additionally some wild and unknown
- An unprecedented production of 4 million gallons of extra virgin olive oil was produced during the 2015-2016 harvest. The 2016-2017 harvest produced 3.5 million gallons, after a down production year due to bad weather during bloom.
- There are over 40 olive mills in California with many under construction and/or expansion.
- The COOC Taste Panel was the first North American sensory panel established for olive oil.
801 Camelia St., Suite D
Berkeley, CA 94710
(888) 718-9830