In this blog post we are going to dive a little deeper into what it takes to be certified as an extra virgin olive oil, and how you can feel confident that you are getting the real deal.
Did you know in order to be legally called extra virgin, olive oil must meet both chemical and sensory requirements? It’s the combination of chemical test results and sensory analysis that gives the oil the designation of the highest grade of olive oil which would be an extra virgin (EVOO).
Extra Virgin Olive Oil is cold pressed and must not reach temperatures above 86 degrees Fahrenheit. This oil is extracted during the first pressing of the fruit and retains the highest level of nutrients and polyphenols, which would otherwise be destroyed by heat. Extra Virgin Olive Oil must have an acidity level of .08 or less and is a completely flawless oil.
Here at Wild Groves, we have two different seals, COOC and Applied Sensory. All of our EVOOs, Arbequina, Ascolano, Kitchen Blend, and Foxy (our highest polyphenol evoo), are tested by both independent organizations to ensure you are getting the highest quality grade extra virgin olive oil.
If you inspect the back of your bottle, look for the certification seals. Until now there was only one seal, The California Olive Oil Council. (COOC) This certification seal ensures that the oil has been evaluated by an independent third-party organization. Ensuring that you are buying 100% authentic California Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Our second certification seal is from The Applied Sensory Panel located in Fairfield California. This tasting panel is administered by Sue Langstaff, a world-renowned olive oil judge and sensory educator. The Applied Sensory Olive Oil Panel is accredited by the American Oil Chemists’ Society and has been recognized by the International Olive Council.
Both certifications are our commitment to you that you can buy with confidence, knowing that the olive oil that you receive from Wild Groves is double certified as 100% Authentic California Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
EVOO Certifications